Saturday, May 23, 2015

New Upholstery for the Love Seat

No it's not really a farm but more often than not I feel like I live at the Funny Farm...where life is beautiful all the time and I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats and they're coming to take me away haha.... (yes I know the song is disturbing but what can I say)

Anyhoo enough singing from me.

I finally finished reuhpolstering.. umm,, is that how you say it or is it just redoing the upholstery? Hmmm, okay, focus. The love seat that my bestie gave me; that was in desperate need of a makeover, is now all beautious. Of course heaven forbid I use my brain and actually remember to take a before picture. So here is one where it is in the background.  In the front of the picture is the beautiful monkey princess playing with Cocoa and Patches, guinea pigs extraordinaire.

Progress was slow it took me a week to complete, thankfully we didn't have any visitors while my love seat was mid process!

Then finally today.... Celebrate, Good Times Come On.....there I go singing again, but at least I'm not alone because I know as you read this you're singing right along with me. And if you have no idea what I'm talking about please for the love of music click on the link. 

Well it's far from perfect, but I am really happy with how it turned out. The printed fabric is Signature Series Damask Chestnut from Joann Fabric and the dark brown I found in the clearance section so I have no idea what it was. The trim around the inlay (I'm guessing that's what you would call it) on the front of the arms is the Chocolate Brown 3/4" Braided Gimp.

I have to admit that I hope to never have to do that again, boy it was a lot of work. The 3 monkeys love it, but they think they should show that love by jumping up and down on it. Sigh, I think I'll cry big crocodile tears when it gets it's first rip. And on that note to bed I go because there is no convincing the monkey princes that Saturday means sleeping in.

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